Here's an interesting recap of US District Court Judge Robert Chatigny's efforts to block the execution of Michael Ross, a death row inmate who "volunteered" for execution. You may recall that Ross's own lawyers fought him on that move and when a new lawyer was appointed and sought to implement Ross's wishes, Judge Chatigny threatened that lawyer with the loss of his law license. But I can't see how this amounts to material for impeachment, as the article suggests. Death row volunteers present some of the most difficult issues in legal ethics. . . . . If you're still wondering exactly what ethics rules Tom DeLay allegedly breached, this summary may be useful. . . . . In the fall-out of former New Jersey Governor James McGreevey's withdrawal from a legal representation tied to his acts as Governor, some are asking if the "revolving door" ethics rules shouldn't also apply to the Governor's former legal advisor, who is now a private practice lawyer working on the controversial Xanadu development.