Steve -- Many thanks for the post. Frankly, the Stein Center is footing the not insignificant bill for producing and distributing the DVD free for law school classes and cle’s because it has proven a tremendously successful vehicle for encouraging spirited discussion of professionalism, the role of the lawyer, and the state of the legal profession today. Although the film essay definitely has a point of view, the primary goal is pedagogical. That is why we include a Teacher’s Guide that invites students to disagree with the ideas expressed in the DVD. Much credit for the success of the DVD goes to the Director Brian Danitz, the cinematographer for Bowling for Columbine, a Sundance featured documentary director, and a recent Fordham Law graduate who is now an associate at Wilson, Sonsini. On our web site,, you can find free downloads of the Movie Poster with brief reviews from Bill Simon (Columbia), Steve Wizner (Yale), David Thomas (Harvard Business School), and Janie Hendrix (sister of Jimi),, and the Teacher’s Guide, as well as directions for ordering a free copy of the DVD, while supplies last. I’d love to get into further conversation regarding Steve’s disagreements with the substantive content of the film essay, whether on this blog or in other venues. Feel free to email me with your thoughts. --Russ Pearce