Nifong resigned as District Attorney. That doesn't preclude discipline, which imho should be severe. If a fact finder believes he asked the DNA expert to withhold exculpatory information about the three accuseds that normally would have been included, then the matter could still conceivably be treated as criminal. (I realize that there has been conflicting testimony on that point. Head to Durham-in-Wonderland for detailed reporting of the trial, albeit from an anti-Nifong point of view.)
The lawyer who used the phrase "a few fries short of a Happy Meal" when addressing a bankruptcy judge, and the chairman of that firm as well, are preparing to give live apologies to the judge. If, as many have suggested, the phrase was meant simply as "there will still be some essential elements missing," and not in the normal pejorative sense of that "a few X short of a Y" meme, and if the apology is sincere, then the judge should graciously accept the apology and move on.