I know we've talked about the MPRE on this blog before, but I have a more specific question: how do you incorporate the MPRE, if at all, in your PR courses? This semester was the first time I had a few students complain that we did not do enough to focus on preparing for the MPRE. Generally I just teach the law of lawyering (with the valuable assistance of our friend Stephen Gillers) and assume that if I'm covering the basics, I'm fulfilling my responsibility. The students can choose their own commercial practice tests and/or one-day prep courses. But I'm wondering if I should be doing more. Perhaps this semester is an anomaly, or perhaps those students just need some verbal reassurance that they're learning what they need to know for the test, or perhaps the MPRE is beginning to focus more on issues that are not being covered adequately in my course (which I structure as a pretty traditional PR course). In any event, what do the rest of you do in terms of incorporating MPRE preparation in your course?