Fewer items than usual, as I've been out of town. . . . . . A party to an arbitration cannot file a meritless claim against the assigned arbitrator and hope to get the arbitrator recused for a conflict -- at least not in California. . . . . . A Michigan judge's race-conscious decision to reject a defendant's peremptory challenge of a potential juror may result in an ethics investigation of the judge. . . . . . . Legal humor: The Reasonably Prudent Law Student has some suggestions about t-shirts jurors should not wear to court, in light of this case. And Kevin Underhill's Lowering the Bar offers a chewy analysis of a jury trial over those inedible Easter candy's -- Peeps. . . . . . K&L Gates says that law is a contact sport and it therefore likes "sassy" lawyers. (h/t: The Careerist, an ALM blog) . . . . . If the Republicans win the House or Senate, this story about the DOJ's handling of a voter intimidation matter -- called the "Black Panther matter in some circles -- will be heavily investigated.