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- Theodore Olson to receive the Fordham-Stein Ethics Prize.
- Tipton v. Porter: in a case involving a real estate closing, Court of Appeals of Kentucky holds that plaintiff was not a client, yet reverses and remands because the plaintiff may have been an intended beneficiary of the lawyers' conduct and the lawyers failed to do a proper title search. I imagine that lawyers will not like this decision.
- ALM: Discipline sanctions for substance abusing lawyers "vary widely."
- Kansas City Business Journal: alleged conflict reaches the press and the lawyers emphasize that waivers were obtained. The putative client says he doesn't recall if he signed a waiver but that it was a non-waivable conflict anyway.
- NYT and LA Times: For legal ethics and malpractice types the McCourt divorce involving ownership of the LA Dodgers remains a Roman holiday. (Is it PC to use that phrase anymore?)
- Prof. Charles Geyh testified on judicial ethics during the trial of Judge Porteous.