« New York Times comments again on SCOTUS ethics, using example of Pennsylvania judge |
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- This item from Legalethics.com will get attention in law firms: The Louisiana Supreme Court held a member of a firm's management committee responsible for misleading advertising created by a non-lawyer to whom the firm had delegated the content of the firm's website. Decision here.
- Washington Post: Patton Boggs' acquisition of a high-powered lobbying group has led to a conflicts battle as Patton steps into the plaintiff's side of the Ecuadorian toxic tort case.
- City of Rockport v. City of Malvern: Arkansas Supreme Court affirms judge's decision not to recuse, where judge had previously represented litigant. "Even though the circuit judge served as city attorney for Malvern before taking the bench, he did not represent Malvern in the instant, or a prior, annexation suit. While the judge did represent private landowners in a similar annexation suit against Rockport before taking the bench, that prior litigation concerned the issue of whether Malvern's initial annexation was valid. The circuit judge did not represent the current landowners nor did he represent other landowners in the instant suit regarding whether Malvern had complied with the statutory requirements imposed after an annexation occurs. Thus, where there was no allegation of actual bias, nor any demonstration by Rockport of prejudice, we cannot say that the circuit court abused its discretion in denying the motion to recuse."
- LA Times: Lack of Lawyers Slows Death Sentence Appeals in California.
- Straight.com: British Columbia's Chief Justice recommends licensing more lawyers and leaving lawyer regulation to the lawyers.
- The Age (Australia): The new chief justice for Victoria (the first woman to hold that post) thinks that the court needs to explain itself better to the public. Justice Warren is quoted as saying, " "The media drives a very simplistic message mostly revolving around sentencing or satisfaction or dissatisfaction with sentences imposed. Sentencing is only one component of the law. The community, I would hope, through the opening, would come to have a better understanding that the law is their great protector."