Professional and Personal Responsibilities of the Lawyer, Third Edition (2011)
by The Hon. John T. Noonan, Jr. and Richard W. Painter
From Foundation Press:
Major changes reflected in the 2011 3rd edition include:
- Four 2009-2010 cases by the US Supreme Court on competence of counsel in criminal trials
- Federal regulation of securities lawyers under Section 307 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules promulgated thereunder.
- Revisions to ABA Model Rules 1.6 (client confidences) and 1.13 (organization as client) to address issues arising in the Enron and Worldcom bankruptcies.
- Controversies that have arisen with government lawyers since the last edition of this casebook, including political influences on hiring and firing of US attorneys, interrogation and trial of detainees in the war on terror.
- Campaign contributions and other grounds for recusal of judges
- Changes in the ABA Model Rules that allow lawyers to provide limited assistance to pro se litigants.
- Growth of the legal forms industry (LegalZoom, etc.)
- Recent changes in the Federal Rules of Evidence on inadvertent disclosure of privileged communications by a party or by a party’s lawyers
- A new casebook chapter on lawyer liability, including liability of prosecutors for misconduct and the in pari delicto defense to corporate malpractice claims
- A new casebook chapter on lawyers and the First Amendment
- The role of lawyers and judges in deportation proceedings
- Advance waiver of client conflicts and conflicts in representation of corporate parents and subsidiaries
And more . . . .