Following up on John’s post yesterday morning, the blogosphere has been flooded with posts remembering Larry Ribstein. (TaxProf offers a long list here and Truth on the Market is maintaining a list here. Illinois also has released an announcement, here.)
I met Larry just over a year ago while giving a talk at Illinois, and found him to be incredibly generous to me as a junior scholar, both in encouraging my work and offering an opportunity to participate in the recent Truth on the Market symposium Unlocking the Law: Deregulating the Legal Profession. In fact, just a few weeks ago he agreed to be part of a panel I organized for the International Legal Ethics Conference in Banff, July 2012, where we planned to continue the Unlocking the Law conversation with John Flood, Dan Katz, Tom Morgan, Richard Painter, and others. It is my hope that we will, indeed, continue the conversation as a tribute to Larry’s profound work in this area, but it will be with very heavy hearts.