The ILEC IV at Stanford was a real treat and this year's ILEC V in Banff should be the same substantively, plus the physical beauty of Banff. (Anyone want to do some cycling up there?) The folks running the show -- Richard Devlin and our own Alice Woolley -- send this mesage:
The 5th ILEC will take place in Banff, Alberta on July 12-14 2012. The deadline for the submission of proposals for papers or panels for the conference is January 31, 2012. Proposals need not be elaborate – a brief abstract is sufficient.
We have had many excellent papers and panels submitted so far, and we look forward to receiving more as we approach next week's deadline.
For more information about the conference, or about visiting the Banff/Calgary area, please visit our website at or contact myself or Richard Devlin ([email protected]), conference co-chairs.
Alice Woolley
Alice Woolley
Professor of Law and Director of Admissions
Faculty of Law, University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4