Legal Ethics Forum is sponsoring a law student writing competition with prizes totaling $1,500.
The competition is open to students enrolled at any law school in the world as of September 1, 2013.
Submission Requirements
Submissions cannot be longer than 1,250 words. The length limit will be strictly enforced, so check your word count before submitting your entry.
Each submission must address a topic of interest related to legal ethics. Examples of eligible topics include (but are not limited to):
- how to comply with new ABA Model Rule 1.6(b)(c) when engaged in cloud computing;
- the identification of skills that competent lawyers must have today that were unnecessary twenty years ago (see, e.g., here, here and here).
Winning entries will be judged based on the timeliness of the issue addressed, originality, clarity of expression, usefulness to practicing lawyers (including links to helpful related resources), and consideration of opposing positions. (You can find model blog posts here and here.)
Each student can submit as many as three entries, though no student will be eligible to win more than one prize. Multiple submissions from the same author, however, may be eligible for publication on the blog.
Selection of WinnersWinners will be chosen by a selection committee consisting of various authors of the Legal Ethics Forum blog.
The selection committee will perform a blind review of all eligible submissions.
The winner of the competition will receive at least $500. The second place entry will receive at least $300, and the third place entry will receive at least $200. As many as five submissions will receive an honorable mention with a cash prize of at least $100. The total prize money available is approximately $1,500.
All of the winning entries will be published on the blog.
Submission DeadlineAll submissions must be received by January 5, 2014 and should be sent to this email address as attachments. Submissions should be in a commonly used word processing format, such as Word, that allows for automated word counts.
Winners will be notified by February 28, 2014.