Lots of blogs have been commenting on the new employment data for the class of 2013. The news isn't good but the recent grads already knew that. Only 57% of the grads are employed long-term, full-time in jobs requiring a JD, and that number includes grads who were forced to a hang a shingle upon graduating. Another 7% got clerkships
If you want to see the percentages, by school, for students employed FT, LT, in JD-reqd jobs that aren't newbie solo practitioners, there is a page at Law School Transparency. In general, I recommend LST stats over the stats from anywhere else. (As several appellate courts have held, as a matter of law one cannot reasonably rely upon what law schools say about their stats!)
There is some heated disagreement in the blawgosphere about so-called "JD advantaged" jobs. I tend to be a skeptic about that stat.
The ABA summary is here. The ABA's site for numbers at each school is here.