A few years back, I enjoyed Ken Gormley's account of Ken Starr's investigation of Whitewater and the Lewisnky matters. I found the book even-handed and thorough, and it had lots of intereting stuff for us law-of-lawyering types. One of the most interesting accounts was of the way that Lewinsky, who was already represented by counsel, got ambushed in a hotel room by prosecutors who urged her not to speak to her lawyer. It seemed to me to be an obvious and clear double-breach of the ethics rules. The book suggested that an unreleased report by Jo Ann Harris and Mary Francis Harkenrider concluded that there was no breach of professional standards but that there was poor judgment shown. If you read the book it isn't hard to tell who the offending lawyer was: Michael Emmick. Fwiw, it still strikes me that the lawyers clearly breached ethics rules.
Now comes news from the Washington Post that the report is finally public after an FOIA request. It might make useful reading for a PR course.